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Possibilities Taking Flight

LiveWorkPlay helps the community welcome and include people with intellectual disabilities, autistic persons, and individuals with a dual diagnosis to live, work, and play as valued citizens.


There are many different ways to make a contribution as a LiveWorkPlay volunteer.

This includes spending one on one time with one of our members to explore a shared interest in the community (it could be anything from playing video games to rock climbing) as well as supporting social gatherings for small groups who share an interest in arts, music, sports, and more! We call these “meetups” and while we help bring people together, they are just like other meet-up groups in Ottawa and around the world.

Volunteer at LiveWorkPlay

LiveWorkPlay is the 2024 Ontario Disability Employment Network recipient of the Disability Employment Service Award for Promising Practice and Innovation

Play the LiveWorkPlay is the 2024 Ontario Disability Employment Network recipient of the Disability Employment Service Award for Promising Practice and Innovation video



Our event prices are kept as low as possible, and we also feature below-cost discounts for those who need them. To help keep our events accessible, we always appreciate a donation. Below are the links to our event registration site (a new window will open on the CanadaHelps website, which is safe and secure and trusted by thousands of charities).

Men’s 30th Anniversary Fleece JacketWomen’s 30th Anniversary Fleece Jacket

LiveWorkPlay Open House and Annual Awards, Thursday, April 10 at Bayview Yards, 5:30pm

Make a Buzz Ottawa 30th Anniversary and Celebration of Commmunity, Friday, May 9 at Preston