From Vision To Reality: A Glimpse Into The Life Of Daniel!

Update! Since 2016 Daniel had been working in the bakery at Costco, in addition to continuing his employment at The Works Gourmet Burger Bistro. He was then offered full-time work at Costco, so he retired from The Works and as of 2022 reports that he continues to enjoy his job and his co-workers!
It has been a very busy two years for LiveWorkPlay member Daniel Pinsonneault, who came to the organization after moving from Kingston. Supported by family members including his sister Simone who lives in the Ottawa area, Daniel quickly settled into his new community, and began to make progress on his life ambitions. To be sure, Daniel has many skills and qualities that are admired by those who know him, and this includes his ability to easily connect with others and build his professional and social circles.
For this, LiveWorkPlay can take no credit. Daniel possessed these talents long before we made his acquaintance. He is a great addition to our community and to his new hometown of Ottawa.
We see the LiveWorkPlay contribution as one of helping Daniel explore different paths for enjoying a life of his choosing, identifying opportunities, and facilitating connections for sharing his talents with co-workers and friends.
We received a very touching letter from his sister who wanted to share some thoughts about what the LiveWorkPlay connection has meant for Daniel. The entire staff team was moved by this. We asked permission to share a selection of these comments with the hope that Daniel’s story may inspire other individuals and families about the possibilities of community life. Again, while this letter is highly complimentary of LiveWorkPlay, we wish to stress that Daniel’s attitude, and that of his core supporters, has been the key to his progress in realizing his own life goals.
Here is some of the letter!
I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you what a positive impact LiveWorkPlay has had on my brother Daniel’s life since his move to Ottawa a year and a half ago. We never imagined he would build such a fulfilling life so quickly and we all know that your organization played an integral part in this!
For the first time in his life, he has opportunities to develop lasting friendships with individuals with similar interests and abilities, and he can organize a get-together with his new friends. This makes him truly happy! Before LiveWorkPlay he never had an opportunity to travel with friends. The memories he will have from his recent trip to Punta Cana will be with him forever. He truly had the time of his life! All the time and effort that went into planning this trip was so much appreciated! Your vision for people with intellectual disabilities as included members of the community is refreshing and the work you do is so important. The staff members at LiveWorkPlay do an excellent job at working together as a team to help members reach their goals and Daniel has been so blessed to be part of such an amazing organization!
The combination of his two paid jobs at the Barrhaven Manor and The Works has increased his income, so he doesn’t have to live in poverty, a situation so many individuals like Daniel face. Daniel has family that can support him but I know many others are not so fortunate. Beyond the money, like other people Daniel enjoys a sense of accomplishment, knowing that he has contributed something valuable to the workplace and his community. Not only does he have employment, but he is also so fortunate to have the support of your organization to ensure he continues to meet the expectations of his employer.
Daniel can now travel from one end of the city to the other using public transportation and this gives him independence and makes him feel good about himself. We have LiveWorkPlay staff to thank for that. Through LiveWorkPay, Daniel was also introduced to Zvonko, and a friendship has developed. Daniel and Zvonko would never had found each other without the matching initiative! It is wonderful to see that so many people are beginning to see the ABILITY of people like Daniel and see how they have so much to contribute to the work environment. When we go to eat lunch at The Works we are always touched by the kindness of the staff towards Daniel and it is evident that they truly embrace him as part of the workplace family. Daniel is very fortunate and feels very supported. Thank you for suggesting Daniel for this wonderful opportunity!
Between his work life, new friendships, family, his sports, social life and music, Daniel finds his days to be very full and meaningful.
You have had a profound impact on his life and for this we are truly thankful! Never underestimate the work that you do, it has a profound impact on the lives of many,
Simone Villeneuve
We thank Simone for this beautiful letter, and we congratulate Daniel on his zest for life, his belief in himself, and his belief in others!