Got Jobs?
The LiveWorkPlay employment supports team are labour market specialists trained to bring employers and employees with intellectual disabilities (including autistic persons) together to create mutually beneficial employment relationships.

We provide employees and employers with:
- Proven expertise in matching employees to business needs
- Pre-employment support to both the employee and employer for optimal job readiness
- Ongoing support for both the employee and employer (problem-solving, growth opportunities, workplace changes)
Our leading-edge employment supports approach is delivering award-winning results through partnerships with both the private and public sectors. This includes our partnership with the federal public service that has delivered more than 100 hires, and at least 1 hire with more than 200 private sector employers! See below for employment success stories on video.
Ready to get started? Contact Anna Nelson 613-702-0324. As our Director of Employment Supports and our lead on employer partnerships, she will be excited to hear from you!
The LiveWorkPlay YouTube channel features many video segments, including those by third parties such as United Way East Ontario, that showcase quality employment partnerships. LiveWorkPlay is also featured in many of the videos (click here for clips) created by Hire for Talent for their employer toolkit. Here are some of our favourites!