Wendy MacEwan: Celebrating Two Years Of Service!

The secret to quality human services is no secret at all – you need quality humans to deliver them! For LiveWorkPlay this means finding, training, and supporting a great staff, both as individuals, and as a team. We have started sharing information about each of our staff members on their annual work anniversary.
Wendy MacEwan is celebrating her second year anniversary on March 3! Wendy is a part of our Community Connector and Life Coach team. Although she provides support in a variety of ways, she is known for helping people in their own homes with everything from budgeting to meal planning, and enthusiastically supports members to enjoy events in the community, especially live music! We asked Wendy a few questions to get to know her better!

What are you proud of in the last year?
I am proud of the relationships I have built with members and their families. I am energized by my role in helping members get what they want out of life and I rejoice in their successes. I must also mention how excited I am to have a grandson in my life!
What is it like to work at LiveWorkPlay?
LiveWorkPlay is the most supportive organization I’ve been. I feel confident in knowing that at any time we are supported 100% and feel that as a staff team we try very hard to ensure our members and families feel the same way. I work with the most encouraging and passionate people and we are supported to further our education at every turn.

What am I looking forward to in the future?
I want to continue with this amazing team and to meet and support new members. I want to continue using person-centered support to help everyone I’m involved with to go after the life they want, even if they might be facing a lot of barriers to those goals.
I look forward to doing what I can do to contribute to their successes.

Last but not least, what do Wendy’s colleagues have to say?
You will never see anyone so excited to be able to help someone get more of what they want in life.
Wendy is really passionate about the mission of the organization and will champion that to anyone who will listen – or she’ll find a way to interest people who are resistant to listening!