Congratulations Troy: RMCP Hosts Ceremony To Celebrate Promotion
Today LiveWorkPlay representatives were honoured to join with friends, family, and colleagues of Troy Vandergeest as guests of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) at their National Headquarters to witness Troy receiving his official offer of employment as an Indeterminate Appointment. Previously contracted for a fixed term, this change means Troy is now working for the RCMP on a continuous basis!

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki made time to present the letter of offer directly to Troy, and to address the gathering which also included many colleagues from his work team at Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP).
Also in attendance were Assistant Commissioner Kevin Jones, Superintendent Richard Haye, Inspector Ray Duguay, Staff Sergeant Kent Swim, and ATIP’s Jimmy Jacob, who works closely with Troy and also attended Make A Buzz Ottawa 2019 on May 9.
As an Employment Supports service provider for the Ministry of Community, Children and Social Services (MCCSS) Ontario Disability Support Program, LiveWorkPlay has supported the hiring of more than 75 individuals in 25 different federal government departments and agencies. It is not unusual to enter the federal public service as a contract employee, but many of these departments and agencies are looking to develop indeterminate opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities and/or autistic persons, as well as increasing their total number of hires.
The RCMP is clearly excited to show leadership not only by promoting Troy to indeterminate status (and being clear that he deserves it) but also as champions for quality employment and inclusive workplaces, a message expressed with both passion and excitement by the RCMP leadership team at today’s ceremony.
Troy shared stories of his many positive experiences with the ATIP team, and his family members were effusive in their praise of LiveWorkPlay’s role and particularly in finding the right fit for his gifts and talents (he is known around ATIP as a computer wizard). RMCP staff also had praise for the important work done by Joshua and the LiveWorkPlay team far in advance of Troy’s first day on the job.
“They could lead a seminar about this at a supported employment conference” said Keenan. “Their focus is on making the workplace accessible and inclusive and helping the employee shine, and I am overwhelmed to see the degree to which this attitude is shared throughout the organization!”