February Finish: Ottawa Family Magazine & YAI New York City

It’s been an exciting February at LiveWorkPlay and we are working on a number of stories including: 1) a follow up to the packed house that attended the Employment Supports information session on February 13th; 2) an update from our Volunteer Coordinator about the continuing flow of exciting and diverse volunteers that have completed orientation sessions thus far in the new year; and, 3) updates about the Recipe for Success Culinary Adventure and Charity Auction on April 4th (get tickets now!).
In other news we hosted a Talking Nutrition Naturally seminar, met with the Ontario Ombudsman SORT team on February 5, co-hosted a well-reviewed RDSP and financial planning session with Families Matter Co-op on February 9, enjoyed the video feature “In The Works” as reported in Capital News Online on February 10, on February 19 we benefited from the Don’t Give Up Your Day Job comedy night organized by Felice Miranda, and on February 20 we saluted Jamie O’Hara as the inaugural representative for a new partnership with CHUO 89.1 FM!
On February 27th we became aware that Ottawa Family Living Magazine had published a three-page feature on LiveWorkPlay in the Spring 2013 edition. The feature came as the result of an interview with Keenan Wellar early in the winter. The article briefly traces some organizational history and covers housing, employment, community life, partnerships, and more – it even touches on the topic of romance! There are many other interesting articles in the magazine and it’s all about people and places in Ottawa.
Finally we are pleased to report that on February 20th details about LiveWorkPlay participation in the YAI International Conference were announced. With the tagline “Seeing Beyond Disability” the conference has a leading-edge tone with an emphasis on neurodiversity, which is a fancy way of saying that people with intellectual disabilities should be welcomed and respected members of society. LiveWorkPlay staff will be opening the Community Inclusion stream on May 7th with a presentation entitled “From Social Programs to Social Change: Building a Welcoming Community.”
What a fabulous February! And we are hoping for a marvelous March! A reminder that the Foolish Family Feast is early this year: Friday, March 22! Register now!