June 6, 2013: A Night To Remember
It’s the stuff of LiveWorkPlay legend: giving out awards in front of an audience of 250 at the annual Engines of Success recognition banquet while at the same time receiving a Community Builder of the Year award on the other side of downtown Ottawa! Get the complete story including a list of award winners from our June 7 news release, which includes live video from both events! Special thanks to our volunteers who came out in record numbers! For photo albums click here for Engines of Success and use this link for the United Way Ottawa gala.
15th Annual Pool Party: Sunny Days!
It has been a very rainy June, but mother nature cooperated nicely on June 15th with a beautiful day that made for a huge turnout in the Harris family back yard for BBQ and swimming. Many new members and their families attended for the first time, and quickly picked up on some of the important rituals. For example, splashing people who are not in the pool is frowned upon, with one exception: splashing by cannonball!
2014 Travel Choices Announced
In a much-anticipated announcement, and following a members’ meeting to narrow down the choices, LiveWorkPlay travel options for 2014 are now available. There are destinations and budgets for everyone: a bus trip to Buffalo for an NFL game, a week in Turks & Caicos, a weekend bus trip to New Hampshire, and a 5-day bus trip to Chicago. To learn more about the LiveWorkPlay approach to travel support and all the benefits (include the benefits to other travelers) please see our story about the 2013 trip to Washington, DC.
Next? Golf Tournament & AGM
Join us on September 19 for our first partner golf tournament with Rotary Club of West Ottawa and Cystic Fibrosis. There are spots remaining for approximately 30 golfers. Eight days later it’s time for the Annual General Meeting, famous because it’s actually FUN! Don’t forget to register. We’ll enjoy a meal together, review the year that was, talk about the year that will be, and do a little bit of official business, such as electing the board of directors.
Thank You Melanie!
Former LiveWorkPlay member Melanie Manion recently celebrated a 30th birthday, and leading up to the party she decided she “really didn’t need any more stuff.” So, she decided to accept donations to LiveWorkPlay as gifts, and raised more than $1000! Thank you Melanie!
In The News
It was a busy month for LiveWorkPlay in the media! This included many mentions of the Community Builder of the Year award, and most recently an extended interview with co-leader Keenan Wellar on 580 CFRA with Rick Gibbons.
We Never Close
LiveWorkPlay staff members will be taking some vacation time throughout the summer, but we never close. Staff will work hard to make sure members understand any scheduling changes and know who to contact when their routine is impacted. The staff team often has difficulty scheduling vacation time and they truly appreciate the support of members, families, volunteers, and community partners. If you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to schedule your annual meeting with Allison Moores!
Want To Keep Up To Date?
Keeping up to date with LiveWorkPlay is easy. You can watch our news page at, or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn! Looking to donate? Look no further! In addition to our normal donation channel, we have started a 20th anniversary campaign!