The LiveWorkPlay News (March 5, 2015)

It doesn’t seem like it, but in about a month the snow will all be gone, and it will be time for the annual LiveWorkPlay Recipe for Success Culinary Adventure and Charity Auction!
Presented by TD Bank with confirmed gold sponsors WestJet and Via Rail (and many more to come) get your tickets now to enjoy the silent auction, roving trays of delicious appetizers, and a live auction with the fun-filled antics of our co-hosts Sandy Sharkey (Boom 99.7) and Derick Fage (Rogers TV).

Special thanks to Vaughn McKinney and The Parliament Cleaning Group for hosting a LiveWorkPlay meeting with the new Minister of Community and Social Services, Helena Jaczek. Also in attendance were: Cathy Velasquez (representing TD Bank and like Vaughn, also a LiveWorkPlay board member) as well as Jeff Mierins (owner) and Peter Howe (Parts Specialist) from Dow Honda, LiveWorkPlay members Jeremy Robin and Moira Beaudoin (employees of The Parliament Cleaning Group and TD), staff representatives Keenan Wellar, Julie Kingstone, and Allison Moores, MCSS Program Supervisor Carole Gagne Ince, Alexi White (MCSS) and Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi. The meeting featured an hour of conversation with a focus on employment, but the discussion flowed into other issues and the evolution of LiveWorkPlay supports and services over the past 20 years. LiveWorkPlay is pleased to be among the 38 province-wide applicants who were included in this week’s funding announcement for the MCSS Employment and Modernization Fund.
Our blog post about the new job title of PEOPLE CONNECTOR for Alex Darling (previously known as our Volunteer Coordinator) has generated lots of interest and positive comments! It was also a great occasion to share some history about LiveWorkPlay developments as we move towards our twentieth anniversary celebration on June 4.

“It won’t give people an instant picture of what I do, but the picture they were getting from Volunteer Coordinator wasn’t the correct one anyway. This is going to be a great conversation starter for orientations and presentations because it sends the right message. We do have all the necessary formal processes for volunteer intake, but this is just the first step along the way to the real journey we are supporting: building relationships between individuals, and helping people have a great life as included members of their own community,” said Alex.
Alex will be joined by Support Coordinator Allison Moores for a presentation at the 2015 Learning Community for Person-Centred Practices Gathering on April 14. They will focus on our person-centred processes and will share in particular LiveWorkPlay strategies for building natural supports and networks.
It makes us sad when people miss out on events, so remember to visit and use the CALENDAR tab or all event dates and registrations. The dates and locations below must be confirmed through ONLINE REGISTRATION (sometimes things change).
We’ve included direct links for online registration for some upcoming events below, please sign up today!
Friday, March 20: Foolish Family Feast (St. Anthony’s)
Thursday, April 9: Recipe for Success Auction (St. Anthony’s)
Thursday, June 4: Engines of Success 20th Anniversary Banquet
Saturday, June 13: Pool Party & BBQ (Harris Household)
Wednesday, June 17: BNI Golf Tournament for LiveWorkPlay (Metcalfe Golf)
Sunday, July 26: JMM Group Golf Tournament for LiveWorkPlay (Glen Mar)
Thursday, September 17: Rotary Club of West Ottawa Golf Tournament (Glen Mar)
Friday, September 25: Welcome Back Family Feast and AGM (St. Anthony’s)
- All events except those listed below: registration contact is Alex Darling
- For BNI Golf: contact Business Network International (not LiveWorkPlay)
- For JMM Auto Group Golf: contact is Keenan Wellar
In recent weeks there has been lots of activity on our Facebook page and group, so please join in that fun too! You can also follow @LiveWorkPlay on Twitter, and check out our channel on YouTube. We are nearing 2000 fans on our page, maybe you can help us start on our next 1000!