Summer Buzz At LiveWorkPlay
It’s been a long hot summer supporting our members to enjoy all the recreation and social opportunities of the season, and we’ve also developed some amazing outcomes in summer employment.
We realize that no one wants to read a long newsletter in the middle of August so please visit our Facebook page for additional photos and stories – just like this great shot of Shelby who is excelling with his ongoing employment at Tim Hortons, or these moments below that feature some of our members working at Lansdowne!

Join our Friends at Rotary for Golf on September 15
Once again Rotary Club of West Ottawa will be supporting LiveWorkPlay with a portion of proceeds from their annual golf tournament. Please click here for details and registration (great price only $135 includes golf, cart, and dinner).
Welcome Back Family Feast and AGM on September 9
The Annual General Meeting is a bit early this year but as always it will feature a delicious meal and a look ahead for 2016-2017 as well as the important business of an annual meeting, which includes the election of the board of directors. Registration is now available!
Ombudsman Report: Crisis & Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Back in 2012 LiveWorkPlay provided one of many hundreds if not thousands of delegations to the Ontario Ombudsman and after four years of accumulating and evaluating evidence, the report is due next week. You can learn more about the investigation here and the press release for the upcoming announcement.
LiveWorkPlay and Housing Task Force Initiatives
LiveWorkPlay is leading on one initiative and supporting another in the latest Province of Ontario Housing Task Force approved proposals. Learn more about the task force and the approved innovative projects in the July edition of Spotlight on Transformation.