LiveWorkPlay Vision 2020

disabilities to live, work, and play as valued citizens.
To: LiveWorkPlay Members, Families, Partners, and Supporters
From: Cathy Velazquez, Chairperson, Board of Directors, 17 July 2017
Subject: LiveWorkPlay Vision 2020
Note: please click here for a printable one-page version of this announcement.
LiveWorkPlay concluded another successful fiscal year on June 30, and I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on the work the Board of Directors has done to review and refresh our strategic plan. This is an important aspect of the cycle of board governance, and heading into 2017-2018, I wanted to take this opportunity to brief you on some of the results. We will also be providing further details at the Annual General Meeting on September 8.
It has been 5 years since the last significant update to the strategic plan was completed in 2011-2012, at which time the membership adopted a new mission, vision, and values, which continue to serve us well. Since that time there have been many key changes, not only within our organization and the Developmental Services sector, but also changes in our neighbourhoods, our communities, and people and places in broader society.
In consideration of these changes, in September 2016 the board engaged Third Sector Consulting to facilitate a review of our strategic plan. The focus: to establish objectives for what progress will look like over the next 3 years (“Vision 2020”) and to build the organization in support of long-term sustainability.
Between October 2016 and April 2017, our lead consultant Mike Coxon engaged in activities with the board, co-leaders, team leads, and, depending on the activity, key stakeholders including community partners, members (supported individuals) and families. After developing a historical timeline of key events and an environmental scan review, the process resulted in the creation of 5 broad strategic directions. These are intended to build upon the strengths of the organization, and to position LiveWorkPlay to be effective and sustainable on our journey to 2020 and beyond.
- Negotiate and sustain “right relationships” with members (supported individuals) and families – using clear and transparent communication to align expectations and facilitate effective planning and better life outcomes
- Strategic partnerships – build upon, form, and sustain positive and mutually beneficial relationships with public, private, and non-profit partners to benefit our members and deliver lasting improvements in our community
- Sustainable portfolio of supports and services – recognize our strengths as well as our limits, and focus on what we do well in consideration of available resources; build on our successes in supporting housing and employment transitions, and utilize a “just enough support” approach to reduce paid resource dependency and increase natural supports, interdependence through social connection, and self-determination
- Build a “leaderful organization” – investing in quality governance, supporting staff excellence through mentoring and professional development, and succession planning for all board and staff leadership positions
- Promote a welcoming community – reducing barriers experienced by individuals with intellectual disabilities, and encouraging recognition and appreciation of their contributions as citizens
Work will continue in the coming months to develop action plans for each of these strategic directions. When complete, the renewed plan will be the framework for ongoing strategic discussions and priorities, reinforcing our commitment to the community, and continuing to be a learning organization. LiveWorkPlay already has a great history and has established an important legacy as a leader of social change in the Ottawa community and beyond. Your board of directors is proud to be a part of this legacy, and we thank you sincerely for your ongoing support!
Cathy Velazquez