World Autism Day April 2, 2018: Beyond Awareness
There are probably few commemorations with less controversy than that those recognizing people with autism. There are many different perspectives about autism and how to best support individuals and families. It is worth going beyond the surface of special marketing and fundraising campaigns to make sure that those behind them value people with autism as included and contributing citizens. Make up your own mind, but pay close attention to what people with autism themselves have to say. You can learn more by following the #ActuallyAutistic tag on Twitter (you do not need a Twitter account).
At LiveWorkPlay we pay attention to any and all information that can help us be at our best in our support for people with autism, but our focus does not waiver: they have the right to full citizenship, and deserve the help they need to enjoy the challenges and responsibilities of being fully included in our communities.
For World Autism Awareness Day 2018, the United Nations is paying specific attention to Article 23 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities “Respect for home and the family.” There is particular concern that people with autism are facing barriers to their right to form their own loving relationships and build their own families.

LiveWorkPlay mission, vision, and values (adopted 2011) were based upon the Convention. The right to the removal of barriers preventing people with disabilities from experiencing the community on an equal basis with other citizens is the key. To that end, we are focused on helping people with autism to have a home of their own, a job, and relationships of their choosing. We will be showcasing the lives of people with autism and intellectual disabilities at our community recognition event on May 10, where we will celebrate individuals and organizations that share these values. We hope to see you there!