Help Wanted: LiveWorkPlay is Going Door To Door for Employment and We Need YOU to Help Make It Happen!
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the labour market and this in turn has radically altered our approach to matching job seekers and employers, and we need your help with some old school crowdsourcing!
We have just completed a survey with more than 130 responses from job seekers we are supporting to help us establish who is looking for work right now, and what employment sectors they are willing to consider that might not have been in their original plan. The short summary is that we have dozens of candidates ready to work in every possible type of job, and we are working hard to help make it happen. But we need your help.
Many of the current employment opportunities are very localized and employers have gone back to basics with “Help Wanted” on their doors and windows or other forms of advertising (including word of mouth) that are not always easy to find out about. So we need to go back to some old school job searching ourselves, because many of the pre-pandemic networking methods we were using so effectively are no longer available. But we can’t be everywhere, so that’s where YOU come in.
If you see a help wanted sign or other advertisement, we’d like you to take a photo and/or send us the details to our new employment opportunities intake email address We need to know the business name, the exact location, and the email and/or phone number to get in touch with the employer. If you know more than that and can help us with further details, please include that information or a phone number to get in touch with you.
We can also use your help with other methods we are trying out to expand our reach and generate leads. This includes our new profiles initiative, where with the permission of individual candidates, we promote their employment profile on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. If you don’t have any direct leads yourself, you can help us out by liking and sharing these profiles with your colleagues and friends.