It’s Moving Time! See You On The Fourth Floor (When The Time Comes)

It’s moving time! We have enjoyed a fantastic 5 years at Unit 300, 2197 Riverside Drive, and we are pleased to announce that LiveWorkPlay has signed a new lease to continue in the same building. We are moving to a much smaller office in Unit 402 so that we can realize a significant annual savings in lease payments.
As you can imagine, the office is not seeing much use during the pandemic, but for the past two years in particular, the office has mainly been used for once a week team meetings and intake meetings/annual planning meetings with our members, so this is also part of an expected transition to a reduced office footprint. We are also realizing savings with our internet and telephone system, so we might have a bit of downtime with our network near the end of August and early September, but we expect only minor disruptions.
When we moved to 2197 Riverside in the fall of 2015, we purchased Canadian made furniture to reduce the environmental impact and support Ontario business. One of our biggest concerns with downsizing the office was to ensure that these wonderful desks – which still look new – would not go waste – not an easy feat during a pandemic when there’s a huge surplus of office furniture from other downsizing and office closures. We are therefore thrilled to report that other local charities including Multifaith Housing Initiative and Christian Horizons will be getting a delivery from us on Friday! It’s great to know they will be enjoying these desks and workstations for many years to come.
The plan is for all phone numbers and email addresses to stay the same, so the only change is to our postal address. When the time comes to once again join us for meetings at the office, just stay on the elevator to the 4th floor and turn right!