Minister Michael Parsa (MCCSS) Visits LiveWorkPlay In Ottawa
Today LiveWorkPlay hosted the Honourable Minister Michael Parsa from the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services with special guests from United Way East Ontario and Levy TD Place and our federal public service employment partnership, to talk about successful employment outcomes for people with intellectual disabilities in the private and public sectors.
Minister Parsa asked important questions, including some discussion of challenges to scaling up our employment supports model, and we communicated that the main barrier is the time and resources required to develop relationships with jobseekers and employers so we can bring them together for a match and an employment relationship that devleops into career advancement and long term success. We look forward to further conversations in the new year and we thank Minister Parsa and his team for finding time to speak with us on this visit to Ottawa.
BELOW: some photos from the event including the presentation slides.