Graham Armstrong Receives the LiveWorkPlay Ambassador Award at Make A Buzz Ottawa on May 10, 2024
On the occasion of the LiveWorkPlay 29th Anniversary and the annual Make A Buzz Ottawa Celebration of Community, Graham Armstrong receives the Ambassador Award on May 10, 2024 at the Preston Event Centre. Below is the live captioned video from the event, a selection of photos, and a full unofficial transcript. Congratulations Graham!

Next up.
The Community Ambassador Award.
You can view all the past recipients from the list on your table.
This award was started fifteen years ago to celebrate members of LiveWorkPlay who contribute to the mission through public campaigns such as media interviews, articles, social media videos and more.
And this year’s recipient engaged in almost all of those activities with a video that was also utilized at various conference presentations throughout the year and continues to appear in The LiveWorkPlay News countdowns.
There’s also a direct connection to one of our private sector inclusive employers honoured earlier tonight, as is one of our past
recipients of a community partner award, the United Way.
I’ve given it away by now please join me in welcoming to the stage Graham Armstrong!
Graham should we play the video one more time?
I think I got his blessing.
He said I don’t care do what you want.
This is your United Way minute.
Hi my name is Graham and I work at Otto’s Club.
This is my great grandfather Edward Kramer Emerson
And he played in the thirties and he won a Grey Cup!
Since I started working here I’ve learned to become more generous more responsible and more actually reliable!
LiveWorkPlay and United Way East Ontario share values in terms of supporting candidates to get into a workplace and into a role that’s truly authentic and truly valued.
We really look at not only just someone’s skill set, but who they are as a person and what kind of an
environment they would thrive in.
This is the right job for me because it helps me to get out and be more independent.
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