Reflections on a busy fall, looking ahead to an exciting winter!
November 12, 2014
A GREAT WELCOME BACK AT AGM 2014 The Welcome Back Family Feast and Annual General Meeting on September 19 was attended by more than 150 supporters and the upbeat atmosphere benefited from the presence of Her Excellency Sharon Johnston, who presented The Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award to 10 recipients. The award recognizes individuals who volunteer their… Continue reading Reflections on a busy fall, looking ahead to an exciting winter!
Life is a Journey: Checking in with Frances
September 21, 2014
At LiveWorkPlay we do not offer any site-based programs. In other words, it’s not a place you come to. It’s about helping you go places! This can be confusing or even scary for people with intellectual disabilities and their family members, who are unsure what this might mean for their daily life. They might be… Continue reading Life is a Journey: Checking in with Frances
An Unsung Canadian and International Hero: Honouring Orville Endicott
September 9, 2014
Community Living Ontario and the Canadian Association for Community Living will honour Orville Endicott in Toronto on September 24th on the occasion of his retirement. We do not wish to steal any thunder from that pending event, but hope that many others will pay attention to his remarkable career and follow up with Community Living… Continue reading An Unsung Canadian and International Hero: Honouring Orville Endicott
The Summer Buzz At LiveWorkPlay
July 29, 2014
We haven’t been in touch with a new blog post since early in May, and here it is the end of July. So much has happened it has been a challenge to keep up with our communications. For those of you who are fans on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, some of this news… Continue reading The Summer Buzz At LiveWorkPlay
Staff Retreat 2014: Being Worthy!
May 3, 2014
They’ve never quite achieved the true status of “annual” but nearly-yearly staff retreats are important to LiveWorkPlay not only to build hope and resiliency in the staff team through education and team-building, but for identifying opportunities and concerns, and making plans for addressing them. Over the years the team has helped establish priorities and strategies… Continue reading Staff Retreat 2014: Being Worthy!
Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day 2014 with Paul Knoll and CMHC
March 21, 2014
World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. LiveWorkPlay directly supports about 100 individuals with various intellectual disability labels, including people who have Down syndrome. This year LiveWorkPlay member Paul Knoll, along with two of his colleagues at the Canada Mortgage and… Continue reading Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day 2014 with Paul Knoll and CMHC
Ready For Spring?
February 21, 2014
It’s been a long Ottawa winter, even for outdoor enthusiasts, but spring will soon be upon us, and with it comes the busiest LiveWorkPlay season! Here is a quick summary of upcoming events: March 13: A free event hosted by United Way Ottawa! LiveWorkPlay will be added to the Wall of Inspiration at Ottawa City… Continue reading Ready For Spring?
LiveWorkPlay presentation to the Select Committee on Developmental Services
January 28, 2014
Click here to read the SELECT COMMITTEE ON DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES FINAL REPORT Update: follow-up communication delivered to all members of the Select Committee and the Clerk: As stated in our submission below, an issue of concern for LiveWorkPlay is the lack of province-wide measurement of relevant indicators of Ontario’s collective progress towards social inclusion for… Continue reading LiveWorkPlay presentation to the Select Committee on Developmental Services
The Top Five LiveWorkPlay Stories of 2013
December 30, 2013
We asked ourselves “What were the TOP FIVE LiveWorkPlay stories of 2013?” To answer that question we used the insight statistics from our Facebook page. This is far from perfect (not every LiveWorkPlay story finds its best expression on Facebook) but we can say with confidence, the top five definitely attracted massive attention! There were… Continue reading The Top Five LiveWorkPlay Stories of 2013
Happy Holidays from the LiveWorkPlay Staff
December 23, 2013
We wanted to take a moment to entertain you with a short video that captures with some accuracy the spirit of the LiveWorkPlay staff team. LiveWorkPlay doesn’t close for the holiday season. Our work is all about people’s daily lives. and sometimes it is during this final week of the calendar year that our members… Continue reading Happy Holidays from the LiveWorkPlay Staff