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LiveWorkPlay Employment Supports – For People We Are Already Serving

Welcome to our page just for existing LiveWorkPlay employment supports clients. Although we have been helping jobseekers with intellectual disabilities and austic persons with employment for 15 years under the Ontario Disability Supports Program, we are new (2024) as providers under the Employment Ontario system. Consider this web page a starting point as we learn what types of information we need to communicate here to be in compliance with the new system, and most importantly, to make sure we continue to successfully match jobseekers with great jobs and inclusive employers in our community.

It’s a healthy practice but also a requirement that we provide you with an anonymous feedback process. It doesn’t mean you should not feel free to speak or write directly to the Employment Discovery Specialist or Workplace Inclusion Specalist or members of our management team, but if you would like to share a compliment or a complaint while ensuring that your identity is private (no one will know the sender unless you include private information in the comment box) we invite you to follow the link below to an online form, or you can print one out and send it by mail or drop it off at the Bayview Yards reception desk.

The compliment or complaint survey is just a quick three questions, but there is a much longer set of standards and you can also read the full EO Customer Service Charter document and make additional comments about how we are doing (use the same form but make your comments in the box at the bottom).

LiveWorkPlay’s Employment Ontario employment services are funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.