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Happy Canada Day 150!

June 30, 2017

Canada Day and the Canada 150 celebrations mark the anniversary of Confederation in 1867, the political activities that established our country. We recognize that the Indigenous Peoples of these lands have a history dating back some 15000 years, and that their full inclusion in Canadian society remains a challenge even in 2017. As we celebrate Canada’s… Continue reading Happy Canada Day 150!

A Record-Setting Day & More Connections Made: BNI Golf For LiveWorkPlay

June 15, 2017

Yesterday an incredible $12,000 was raised at the BNI (Business Network International) Eastern Ontario golf tournament. The tournament proceeds were first designated for LiveWorkPlay in 2014, and the 2017 result represents a near-doubling of the funds raised just three years ago! “It’s also important to understand the work is done by BNI” says LiveWorkPlay co-leader… Continue reading A Record-Setting Day & More Connections Made: BNI Golf For LiveWorkPlay

LiveWorkPlay: Summertime News!

June 9, 2017

SUMMER IS OUR BUSY SEASON! While it might be a regular pattern for some government, private, and non-profit organizations to slow down during the summer season, it’s arguably the busiest time of year at LiveWorkPlay! Here’s some of what is happening: we’ve hired four summer students who are completing training and will be helping with employment,… Continue reading LiveWorkPlay: Summertime News!

Make A Buzz Ottawa 2017: What A Night!

May 15, 2017

Make A Buzz Ottawa evolved out of a merger of two events, the former Recipe for Success (a fundraising auction) and Engines of Success (awards banquet). The change began in 2015 when LiveWorkPlay celebrated its 20th anniversary. The event now raises about the same amount of money ($30,000) but the focus is more on community… Continue reading Make A Buzz Ottawa 2017: What A Night!


May 1, 2017

Anaid Productions spent time with LiveWorkPlay Life Coach Daniel Harris and member Caroline Matte last month, and produced a demo video entitled JUST LIKE US that is now under consideration to become a full web series! The series would include more of Daniel and Caroline, but also other support relationships between LiveWorkPlay staff and members. To… Continue reading WE NEED YOUR VOTES!

LiveWorkPlay Celebrates National Volunteer Week 2017

April 25, 2017

It’s really very simple: volunteers are fundamental to great outcomes for our organization, the people we are involved in directly supporting, and the workplaces, neighbourhoods, and venues where they help make inclusion happen! April 23 to 29 is National Volunteer Week. It is also the 14th consecutive year that Volunteer Canada delivers the National Volunteer… Continue reading LiveWorkPlay Celebrates National Volunteer Week 2017

Demo Video Released! “It’s very important for everyone to have control of their own life”

April 24, 2017

LiveWorkPlay has been working with Anaid Productions, a Canadian television production company that produces both non-fiction and drama series, on a video project that features the relationship between LiveWorkPlay members and individual staff members who support them. This is a “demo video” featuring Caroline Matte and Daniel Harris that has just been released in association with… Continue reading Demo Video Released! “It’s very important for everyone to have control of their own life”

The LiveWorkPlay News: Make A Buzz May 11!

April 10, 2017

LEAD STORY: MAKE A BUZZ OTTAWA CELEBRATES CANADA 150 ON MAY 11 It’s one of Ottawa’s best-attended and most-enjoyed community celebrations! Make A Buzz Ottawa brings together an enthusiastic and diverse crowd of more than 300 to recognize individuals and organizations who contribute to a welcoming and inclusive community. We are pleased to have Sandy… Continue reading The LiveWorkPlay News: Make A Buzz May 11!

World Autism Awareness Day, April 2, 2017

April 3, 2017

2017 Theme: “Toward Autonomy and Self-Determination” The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) recognizes the right of persons with disabilities to independence of person and to individual autonomy (article 3). Moreover, the CRPD highlights the right of persons with disabilities to “legal capacity on an equal basis with others and in all… Continue reading World Autism Awareness Day, April 2, 2017

The Empowering Ability Podcast: Keenan Wellar Interview With Host Eric Goll

March 22, 2017

Eric Goll met Keenan Wellar and Julie Kingstone at the Presence to Citizenship Learning Exchange in Toronto in February 2017. Eric was in the process of launching his Empowering Ability podcast and invited Keenan to join him in recording his first episode with a guest. In this podcast Keenan shares the journey of LiveWorkPlay from it’s… Continue reading The Empowering Ability Podcast: Keenan Wellar Interview With Host Eric Goll

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